Monday, June 13, 2011

First Night Camping at the Cabin

Well I finally stayed at the cabin my first night...and wasn't eaten by a bear.

Although Boo was out, he didn't bother to come to my side of the valley.  And, although there were some blacks around, I actually captured these shots just west of Lake Louise on the drive home.

So claiming I was camping is kind of stretching it a bit, as I set the tent up in the living room...but there are no windows in the house and I had to boil water on the it was like "Camping 1.0 Lite".

Mike was right, coffee from a french press in the woods is likely the best coffee you can make.

As for the cabin itself, well I have a roof now, and that really helps keep the rain off..albeit not quite waterproof yet, we still got some shingles and the like to get there.

So every week it appears progress is being made.  My only fear now is the volume of work that has to be done by myself when these guys leave in a few weeks.  I know it's the program I signed up for, but right now it appears a bit daunting. 

So I head out there again this weekend, but two nights camping in the living room this time....and I expect I'll have running water this time.  That will be a real treat.
