Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winter Mountain Lifestyle

So, to digress from the cabin focus for a little while.

In other news....I'm thinking about doing a bit of skate ski racing this year. I think I've actually only done one ski race in my life. It nearly killed me....and I was a younger man in better shape then. Altough the long locks may have slowed me down.

I have to be careful not to get caught up in the glamour of it all though. I mean triathlon is bad enough. The world of XC ski racing can get way out of hand, as revealed in the attched documentary.

See ya on the trails.


  1. I've got to do more cross country skiing - I had no idea!

  2. Great documentary. That scene sounds as bad as South American kick-ball league.

  3. yes kelly, and that's not a can see where the XC ski life can lead...unlike the clean cut running lifestyle advocated by Kyle and Chris.

  4. Did you ever see Hooper's mullet?
