Although Boo was out, he didn't bother to come to my side of the valley. And, although there were some blacks around, I actually captured these shots just west of Lake Louise on the drive home.
So claiming I was camping is kind of stretching it a bit, as I set the tent up in the living room...but there are no windows in the house and I had to boil water on the it was like "Camping 1.0 Lite".Mike was right, coffee from a french press in the woods is likely the best coffee you can make.
As for the cabin itself, well I have a roof now, and that really helps keep the rain off..albeit not quite waterproof yet, we still got some shingles and the like to get there.
So I head out there again this weekend, but two nights camping in the living room this time....and I expect I'll have running water this time. That will be a real treat.